Saturday, December 26, 2015

Fangirl alert!!

The feels over The Grisha Series!!! Leigh Bardugo is absolutely amazing. Only series I've ever read where I'm drooling over all of the potential love interests. You have the loyal childhood sweetheart, the brooding sexy bad boy, and the charming "Too Clever Fox". GAH!!! Yes, yes, yes. upset emoticon I've dragged this series out for too long. Finally near the end. No but yes...but no. I don't want it to be over! Okay, end fangirl rant...

Pardon The Word Vomit...

but it just can't be helped.  I've decided to take it upon myself to begin blogging.  A little late in the game but I'm sure I'll still find enjoyment out of it.  I intend to use this site as the place for all of my gushing (not bloody, gory gushing but more of the enthusiastic Ican'tbelievethisjusthappened gushing) of my many random interests.

Therefore, it shall be littered with the remains of recently regurgitated novels, writing residue, tv show bones, anime and manga corpses, wanderlust dust, etc.  As a lover of all things good (let's not get onto the topic of what deems something worthy of such a title), I present to you my drivel!

So, I take up my pen *ahem* I...I therefore will lift my fingers to the challenge of blogging.   May the blog muses help me.