Friday, March 17, 2017

Beautiful People (March Edition)

Beautiful People is a writers' linkup hosted by Sky @ Further Up and Further In and Cait @ Paper Fury! It’s a character building tool for writers. The writer answers a set of questions about his or her novel and characters within the novel. I've done it a few times before and really enjoyed it, so here's March's edition.

Oh! And if you're interested, here is my novel's blurb: Fed up with the mounting death toll and civil unrest, Prince Ari and his companions must embark on a quest to stop Albni--a radical anti-magic alliance--before the group eradicates magic forever.

Me: This time, I'm interviewing Prince Arius of Siderea, my precious cinnamon roll. He's a character in my Anima series (I've finished the first book, which is undergoing the Beta Reader stage). Farrah and Kai (two of his closest friends) will have a chance to answer Ari's questions for him. Then, Ari will have a turn.

Ari: Wait--What?

Me: Let us begin. *evil cackle*

What’s their favorite book/movie/play/etc?

Farrah: Oh! I adore any kind of book. All kinds of books. Especially ones that deal in history and culture. There's so much to learn that--

Me: Um, Farrah, we ARE interviewing Ari, so what do you think he'd like to read?

Farrah: *blushes* Of course. I got a bit too excited there. But this one's easy. Go ahead, Ari.

Ari: *smiles* Fairy tales, especially tales from Gens, the place where I was born.

Gens, covered mostly in a deep, dark forest

Is there anything they regret doing?

Kai: What? Why are you guys looking at me? This isn't MY interview. Okay, okay. I'd say he regrets meeting me.

Ari: Kai. *rolls his eyes*

Kai: Fine. Hm, maybe going to that ball last year. I mean, we shouldn't have gone, brother. Your father really wanted you to go, and I understand your constant need to impress him, but when a horde of women chases after us, all for the wrong reasons and while we're wearing those official, close-fitting pants (gods, that material doesn't breathe)...well, you should have just avoided the situation from the beginning.

Farrah: Weren't they chasing you because you doused them in wine?

Kai: By mistake!

Ari: Yeah, then I had to save you. You know, I do have a regret, not knowing you sooner.

Kai: Huh?

Ari: You're just always making things interesting.

If they were sick or wounded, who would take care of them and how?

Kai/Ari: Farrah! 

Farrah: Aw, Ari, of course I'd take care of you. 

Kai: Yeah, because there's no way I'd be any help. Farrah has been trained in the art of healing. 

Ari: If Kai would try, it wouldn't be pleasant. I'd break a leg and that would somehow end with me losing both arms. 

Is there an object they can’t bear to part with and why?

Ari: My--

Everyone: His swords

Ari: Whoa, it's that obvious...

What are 5 ways to win their heart (or friendship)?

Farrah: Trust, understanding, and someone who isn't afraid to be kind.

Kai: What Farrah said, but also, if you bring him food, preferably something sweet.

Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom.

Farrah/Kai: Bl--

Ari: All right. Can I answer this?

Farrah: We were only going to say that you'd wear anything as long as it was black.

Kai: Right. Doesn't matter what you wear, so long as you pair it with your boots. Still don't know how you keep them so tidy. They don't have a single scratch on them! Unless...wait, did you go to an Anima tailor? That fabric is magically-infused, isn't it?

Something like this! The hood is a nice touch.

What’s their favorite type of weather?

Ari: Those days when it's only partially raining. You know, the only time you're able to see a rainbow. When the sun JUST peaks out from a slightly grey rain cloud.

What’s the worst fight they’ve ever been in?

Ari: Physical fights or arguments?

Me: Hm, both!

Ari: physically, I'd probably have to say any fight with Kai.

Kai: Damn right.

Ari As for the worst argument...yeah, same answer for that one too.

Kai: Damn right.

What names or nicknames have they been called throughout their life?

Kai: OH! Let me do this one!! Please!!

Ari: Go ahead.

Kai: As I'm a genius, I've come up with calling my dear Arius here, Ari.

Farrah: And his mother would sometimes call him meu lunus.

Me: Can you tell us what that means?

Ari: *smiles* My Moon.

What makes their heart feel alive?

Farrah: What doesn't? Ari has a heart that appreciates the light in everything. I remember when Kai, Ari, and I were watching the sunrise, and when the sun rose, of course it's a spectacle, but Ari...he couldn't help but enjoy it. Really enjoy it.

Kai: You can tell how he enjoys it just by that light in his eyes and that crooked smile, the one he shows when he's least expecting you to notice. I've known him since we were small. Since then, the time when he lights up most is during acts of kindness or for everyday beauty, things people normally take for granted.

Ari: You're both wrong.

Farrah: What do you mean?

Ari: What truly makes me feel alive are friends like you. When I sat atop that hilltop, when I smiled at the rising sun, it was because I was there with you two. As for the acts of kindness, it was the way in which I appreciated how people should treat each other. And whether you noticed it or not, most of those acts of kindness were done by you. I enjoy everyday beauty, the things most people take for granted, because it's usually something that reminds me of you guys and I can't help but smile.

Kai and Ari

Farrah and Ari

Thank you. Hope everyone is having fun with this. Let me know what you're writing below! 


  1. First off, how did I NOT KNOW that your facecast for Ari was Dylan O'Brien. My life is a lie. (And now I have to rethink how I picture him.)

    Second, I love that you use the BP questions to do an interview and include multiple characters and their voices. It's lovely. :)

    Ari is precious and MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS.

    1. That was a recent discovery of mine. The gifs are gold and the guy is so close to how I see Ari, it's crazy. I've never seen Teen Wolf but now I want to...

      Thanks! I remember seeing someone else doing it like that for their Beautiful People and thought it was a cool idea.

      I KNOW!!!! HE'S MY BABBBYYYY!!! I want to tell you so many things about what I have planned, but I can't. I mustn't. >.<

  2. AWWWW, I love this group of friends. They've got just the right amount of banter and adorable squishyness.

    1. Thank you!! They're fun to write (and definitely have that squishyness going on, hehe).

  3. This is so great. <3 Their voices all came through, and their banter is so great. I love how you made the answers like a conversation!

    1. Thanks so much! Yeah, I saw someone else who did Beautiful People write their answers as an interview and thought it was an interesting idea.

  4. I love the format you used! Your characters are fascinating!

    1. Thanks a bunch! I love them all. <3

      But yeah, I saw someone else using a format where the characters answered the questions and thought I would do something similar.
